Fast Funnel Disposable Funnels

/Fast Funnel Disposable Funnels
Fast Funnel Disposable Funnels 2024-09-22T20:14:09+00:00

Use Fast Funnel for convenience, easy cleanup, and ZERO contamination

  • Fast Funnel is designed to be compact for storing and remain clean until opened.
  • Fast Funnel is a simple, yet very effective means of eliminating the contact contamination present on reusable funnels.
  • Although disposable, by reducing spills, chemical clean-up, and wasted absorbent paper towels, Fast Funnel is an environmentally friendly product.
  • Fast Funnel is also available in larger sizes, or with your customized graphics!

A high-efficiency filter combined with a heavy-duty cardboard funnel. A new standard in clean liquid delivery!

  • Fast Filter stores folded flat – stays clean and saves space.
  • Fast Filter requires no cleaning and prevents cross contamination.
  • Removes sediment, sand, rust, and more from lubricants, chemicals, paints, fuels, and other liquids.
  • Available in 150 micron standard and 75 micron fine mesh pattern, or contact us to discuss a specific mesh for your needs.

As an equipment owner, maintenance manager or mechanic, disposable filters and funnels are your best first line of defense against dirt and contamination entering your equipment. If you use a reusable plastic, metal or gooseneck funnel, all of your attention to cleanliness is wasted. Wipe your reusable funnel with a clean shop towel and you’ll see. Using clean lubricant for post assembly fills, top offs or service oil changes, poured through a Fast Funnel or Fast Filter, is essential.

The importance of pouring through clean funnels, filtering fluids, and using clean cloths to wipe down dipsticks is frequently overlooked. Particle contaminants introduced into a system break down into smaller particles and get suspended in oil. These particles can scour and gouge surfaces, make the oil more viscous and block oil passages.

  • Laboratory
  • Fleet
  • Industrial
  • Manufacturing
  • Automotive
  • Motorsports
  • Restaurant
  • Camping
  • Home and kitchen

Additional technical information:

Fast Filter and Fast Funnel Brochure

Damaging contaminants are too small to see!

Average diameter of a human hair – 74 microns
Tolerances in moving engine parts – 10 microns

Solid particle contaminants introduced into lubrication systems is one of the leading causes of accelerated failure in mechanical equipment. Contaminants often enter into a lubrication system when fluids are being added or checked.

Fast Filter

We can help you with all of your engine
and machine maintenance needs.

Contact Us

Fast Funnel and Fast Filter: also available with your customized graphics